#decoded workshop

This 1.5 hour workshop focuses on #decoding the typical interview process by presenting an insight into the recruiting process, providing tips and tricks for resume writing, helping participants craft their story, and creating individualized 14-day roadmaps for participants to get closer to landing their dream career right away. 

#levelup workshop

This 1.5 hour workshop focuses on helping participants #levelUP so they can take the next big leap in their careers and focus on creating a career they love. Through a series of hands-on exercises, participants will uncover why they are interested in making their next career move, learn how to navigate the transition, and outline a strategic plan to begin the journey in the next 14 days. 

#WFH: WIN from home

The #WFH workshop focuses on helping participants employ strategies to adopt a growth mindset, devise creative strategies, and formulate a 30-day plan to use the quarantine time to achieve their career goals.